Friday, November 16, 2007

Tosca - Choclate Elvis Dub's

Man where to even start on this one. This is the kind of album that you keep going back to again and again. My buddy described one of the breaks as "a new hope for man kind." While that might be a little strong this album is that good. How could it not be incredible with half its genetic makeup coming from Kruder and Dorfmeister. Mainly the Kruder part. Enjoy.

1. Chocolate Elvis - (Babylon To Vienna Voiceover)

2.Chocolate Elvis - (Boozoo Bajou Soul Sufferer Version)

3.Chocolate Elvis - (Baby Mammoth Version 3)

4.Chocolate Elvis - (Rockers Hi-Fi Vocal Version)

5.Chocolate Elvis - (Uptight Version)

6.Chocolate Elvis - (Au Version)

7.Chocolate Elvis - (Bullitnuts Version 2)

8.Chocolate Elvis - (Baby Mammoth Version 1 + 2)

9.Chocolate Elvis - (Quant Version)

10.Chocolate Elvis - (Bullitnuts Version 1)

11.Chocolate Elvis - (Baby Mammoth Graceland Dub)


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